The Torture of Single Drops of Water Continually Falling Upon the Head Upenn

[drip, drip, drip]…
Ever hear of Chinese Water Torture?

In ancient times, (and probably sadly in modern times as well) a slow form of torture was used that involved tying someone up, holding them in place, and letting water slowly drip on their head for hours, even days.

At first, nothing happens. But as the incessant drip, drip, drip continues, it takes its terrible toll on the victim, driving them mad, getting them to do anything to make it stop.

The strange but important lesson I've learned from this was explained by a smart mentor I have named Glenn Livingston:

"Most people OVER-estimate what they can accomplish in 3 months, but
wildly UNDER-estimate what they can accomplish in 1 year."

Here's how this quote and the incessant dripping you're feeling on your head right now tie together:

Clicked thru from email? (Continue reading below)

Nearly 4 years ago, I helped start, a website geared towards generating nationwide DUI leads for attorneys.

It had no Google visitors. No links from other websites.
No content. Nothing. From scratch.

How the heck was I going to grow it to generate enough leads to satisfy 100+ DUI lawyers nationwide?

By Chinese Water Torture, that's how.

An associate and I called hundreds of attorneys weekly, offered them a free profile on the website, and asked them for a link from their website to the website.

180 out of 200 called each day didn't answer the phone.Most of those that did, said NO.

…but a few said yes! …and over time, drip, drip, the profiles started to build up, drip, drip, and so did the SEO links from the attorneys' websites to the myDUIattorney website.

After 1 year, this landed myDUIattorney in the #1 spot in Google for the keywords "DUI attorney" and "DUI lawyer" nationwide, with a now paid attorney advertiser subscription base of 55 attorneys.

Another year went by, and the site reached 120 attorney clients, was now generating over 1,200 daily Google searches, and had 163 links from attorney websites.

We had gently, persistently, water tortured the website and the company to profitability, but it took 2 YEARS to do it, not 3 months

… and not without relentless persistence.

How can this apply to YOUR LAW PRACTICE?

  • It tells you how long "good SEO" takes to build your website into an asset that brings you 3-5 new retained clients monthly; (hint: the answer's not 3 months)
  • It tells you the amount of times you should follow up with un-retained potential clients by phone, email, direct mail, and text message to get them to retain you; and (hint: the answer's not 1 phone call, then done)
  • It tells you that 1 single form of marketing is a one-time drop of water on a potential client's head, while ongoing marketing, using many different forms, is a steady drip, drip, drip of persuasion to attract people to call, email, and retain you.(hint: only PPC, only SEO, only word of mouth, only a website won't torture, nor entice anybody in sufficient numbers)


Richard Jacobs
Speakeasy Authority Marketing

P.S. – How vulnerable is your website to Google's continual rumblings?
Get a free, customized report of findings on how to Google-Proof your website HERE

About Richard Jacobs

My name is Richard Jacobs, and I've discovered quite a bit about the plight of solo practitioners and small, 2-5 attorney firms like yours these past 12 years.

I've come to understand the unique challenges in marketing ethically and effectively that attorneys face because I have:

  • Helped over 180 attorneys author their own practice area book and become the 'implied expert' in their practice area
  • Helped hundreds of attorneys successfully navigate Google's search algorithm changes, growing their websites from 2 potential clients calling a month to 4+ calls per DAY for some clients.
  • Interviewed and promoted over 507 attorneys nationwide, in practice areas such as:
  • DUI / DWI
  • Family Law
  • Criminal Defense
  • Bankruptcy
  • Auto Accidents
  • Social Security Disability
  • Slip & Falls (Premises Liability)
  • Real Estate
  • Estate Planning / Probate
  • Wage and Hour Claims
  • Expungements / Post Conviction Relief

Before you decide to invest in your marketing, it makes sense to first request your complimentary, custom, no obligation video website review.


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