Best Creative Writing Companies

12 TOP Content Writing Services: The Best Writing Agencies We've Tried

There are so many content writing services out there, but which are the best to try out?

Content pricing varies a lot from agency to agency, and it can be hard to know which is best and how much you should pay. You can pay up to 10 cents per word and above, but is the content any better than paying 5 or 6 cents per word?

In my personal experience, it's really hard to know exactly what you're going to get back because a single agency can be working with literally hundreds of writers. Results can largely depend upon the website content writer who picks up your order.

I've tried out more content services than I've included in this list, and sometimes the 'best' just comes down to the agency whose process you like the most. Here are 12 good content writing services that you can test out today.


  • The Best Content Writing Services
  • Content Pit
  • Content Refined
  • SEO Butler
  • Niche Website Builders
  • Word Agents
  • Brand Builders
  • Constant Content
  • Zerys
  • CopyPress
  • TextBroker
  • iWriter
  • Writer Access
  • How Content Writing Services Can Help Your Business
    • Content Writing Services Are Experts
    • Grow Your Readership
    • New People Bring A Fresh Perspective
    • These Writers Are Not Your Employees
    • You Can Save Money
  • The Best Content Writing Service
    • Honorable Mentions
  • The Content Writing Agency For You

The Best Content Writing Services

best content writing services

What are the important things to look out for when outsourcing content writing to a service?

  1. Price is always important – does the quality of content match the price?
  2. Speed is another factor – what is their turnaround time?
  3. Quality is primary – is the content original, well-written, and accurate?

The last of those three things, quality, is almost always most important. There's no point getting cheap content fast if it's unreadable. For example, check out this screenshot of a piece of content I recently got back.

worst content writing services example
Click image to enlarge

I literally got back a 10,000 word content package that was all like this.

The content writer was supposed to have used Grammarly, Surfer SEO, and Copyscape (along with Ahrefs for keyword research), but the writing was full of nonsense and many other errors. I got in touch with the content service to share what I thought of the content and they kindly refunded my order.

Most recently I've been using Word Agents (who I'll feature down below), and have ordered about 50,000 words through them over the last couple of months. That content has mostly been very good, with the odd article being a bit sloppy. It really does depend on the writer you get, but overall I've been happy with the results.

Here are 12 content services that we've used and had good results from over time. My advice is that it's always best to order a single article or small package before going large. Make sure you're happy with the service, the ordering process, and the quality of the content before ordering a ton of it.

Content Pit

content pit content writing company

Spencer has often used Content Pit to produce content for Own The Yard, his public niche site project. The owner and founder of Content Pit, Youssef El Akkari,  also used to be a writer for Niche Pursuits.

Their turnaround times are reasonable, content quality is good (not always amazing), and their prices are much cheaper than many other content services. Their client portal is easy to use and the content ordering process is smooth.

They are one of my favorite content production companies at the moment, but you can find out more in our complete Content Pit review here.


  • Fast turnaround time (usually delivered in 10K word lots)
  • Good client portal
  • Good communication
  • Reasonable quality
  • Unlimited edits
  • Great prices


  • Won't come with images
  • You need to upload yourself
  • Not all of their writers are amazing, but most are good
  • Sometimes you can tell that writers are not native English speakers

How much does Content Pit content cost?

Content Pit has a great pricing structure. This is even more true if you are buying content in bulk. I like how they don't force you to buy a subscription; you can just buy the number of words you want.

None of their packages cost more than $0.05 per word. The least expensive package costs $0.031 per word. For the quality I've seen out of this agency, it's good value.

Do you want to give Content Pit a try?

They are offering Niche Pursuits readers a huge 30% extra words when ordering through our link.

Visit Content Pit Here

Content Refined

best professional content writers

Content Refined is not simply a content writing service provider. They're more like a blog content management company because they look at the big picture.

Instead of just writing about what you tell them to write about, they can do everything from planning the content, doing the keyword research, writing the content, and even social media promotion.

We have a full Content Refined review here where we ordered 2 pieces of content from them as a trial. You can see one of them that was published on Niche Pursuits and titled Personal Website Examples.


  • Can act as a blog manager
  • Can create a content strategy with keyword planning
  • Includes images, content uploading, on-page SEO
  • Very well written and engaging content


  • Much pricier than other options
  • They only offer monthly subscription content orders

How much are Content Refined's content services?

Content Refined offers three main packages:

  • 4-Post Package – 4000 words for $429 per month
  • 8-Post Package – 8000 words for $769 per month
  • 12-Post Package – 12000 words for $1117.50 per month

All of these packages offer project management, keyword research and title creation, SEO optimization, and publishing to your blog. You can get these packages quite a bit cheaper if you do your own keyword research.

Want the hands-off approach offered by Content Refined?

Get 10% OFF your first order by using coupon code 'spencer' at checkout

Visit Content Refined Here

SEO Butler

word agents writing agencies

We recently did a review of SEO Butler's content service and ordered a piece of content about snail food.

We chose their highest-priced content option that included optimization using Surfer SEO (though it uses your Surfer account) and were pleased with the result. The team over there was easy to deal with and the ordering process was smooth.

The article was for Own The Yard and is now ranking very well. It's in position number 3 for its target keyword, and ranking for another 170 organic keywords.


  • A well established agency that knows what they're doing
  • Quick turn around times
  • The only use native English writers
  • Content includes images


  • More expensive than other alternatives
  • Ordering by content type is a bit confusing

What is the price of SEO Butler's content services?

Their content packages range in price from 7 cents per word and go up to 13.5 cents per word (for Surfer optimized content). When you order more than 5000 words at once there is a 10% discount.

Want to give SEO Butler's content service a try?

Get 10% OFF content orders with code NICHEPURSUITS through our link.

Visit SEO Butler Here

Niche Website Builders

content writing service

Niche Website Builders are another good content agency that you can try out. They also provide a link-building service and a complete done-for-you niche website build service.

The company is run by Adam and Mark who recently shared an expired domain case study on the Niche Pursuits blog. They show how they took a client's website from no traffic to being potentially worth over $100K in only 4 months.

They did this by publishing a huge volume of content and investing in expired domains. If nothing else, the case study showed that their content ranks well and can gain traction fast!

NWB also has a FAQ service where they will add FAQ content to existing articles on your blog. It's often and quick and easy way to rank for a lot more keywords and bring more traffic to your existing posts.

Niche Website Builders is the content service that Richmond Hammond of Meal Prepify uses successfully for his niche sites.


  • Good content
  • Includes keyword research and selection
  • Includes uploading and formatting in WordPress
  • They will take care of the on page SEO
  • It can be a totally hands-off content service


  • 10K word package minimum orders
  • No discount as you order greater packages

How much do Niche Website Builder's content services cost?

For example, the 10K word package costs $700 per month, or 7 cents per word – so it's not bad given that they take care of everything.

You can also order in bulk rather than as a monthly subscription. 50K words will cost $3500.

Ready to test out Niche Website Builders for yourself?

Get 10% more content OR 10% OFF link services when ordering through our link.

Visit Niche Website Builders Here

Word Agents

best content writing services

I've been using Word Agents a lot lately for a number of different sites in different niches, and most of the content has been very good. Some of it has even been very very good!

This company only works with native English speakers based in the US and Canada, and often targets college grads and others with writing experience to become their content writers.

The odd article I get back is a bit uninspired, boring, or lacking in quality, but for the most part, I've been able to publish them as I get them. Word Agents has many hundreds of writers that they work with, and it's only natural that some will be better than others. You are able to request revisions as well, of course (as with basically all content agencies).

They have a very generous 30% offer for new clients which makes trying them out less of a risk. After ordering 50K words in the last couple of months, I'm happy to recommend them. You can check out our full Word Agents review here.


  • Good content
  • 7-day promised return time after ordering
  • You can be really specific in your ordering process/templates
  • Good discount offers


  • Some writers are not as good

What does Word Agent's content cost?

Regular pricing is $120 for 1000 words, $500 for 5K words, $800 for 10K words, or $1200 for 20K words.

However, you can get 30% off your first order which makes it extremely good value for money. They are also discounts for monthly subscriptions, and you can order more than 20K words at a time for additional discounts.

Want to give Word Agents a go for yourself?

Get 30% OFF your first order when signing up to their email list!

Visit Word Agents Here

Brand Builders

professional content writing services

Brand Builders is another good content service for niche sites, blogs, and other website owners.

They produce premium content written by native English speakers and do the full service from keyword research to uploading to WordPress.

This includes the full editing process, premium stock photos, content optimization in Surfer SEO, and complete on-page SEO. Similar to NWB, Brand Builders can take care of the entire content production process.

Check out our Brand Builders overview here or learn more about their full website management service here.


  • They can take care of everything
  • They also offer a guest post link service
  • Well reviewed by users
  • Good price for what they offer


  • Costs more for the full service, but it is priced fairly

How much do Brand Builder's services cost?

You can try out Brand Builders with a 2000 word article for $180, 5K words for $450, or 8K words $720.

Recurring orders on a monthly subscription are cheaper (10K words for $800), and bulk orders of 100K+ words are cheaper still.

Is Brand Builder's website management right for you?

Try out their content, website management, or link-building service today!

Visit Brand Builders Here

Constant Content

writing services company

Constant Content allows you to submit requests for the content you need, whether it's a custom essay, a blog post, or any other type of writing. Then Constant Content writers will either receive your project as an assignment or pitch themselves to you. And you can get an account representative who will help you along the way.

You can also browse their pre-written content and buy articles, although this may not be the best option if you're running a niche business or website.


  • You can buy pre-written content
  • You can get stock images with the content


  • It takes a while for you to get the finished project from the time you submit your request

How much does content from Constant Content cost?

When it comes to pricing with Constant Content, it varies.

I know that's such a vague answer, but here's why: writers can set their own prices and change them whenever. So you could get a 1,000-word article for $20, $40, or $100, depending on the writer.

If you're interested in Constant Content, you first need to create an account. After this, you can get a more precise quote based on your needs. This seems like an annoying and unnecessary step, especially because their prices are not listed publicly on their site.

What they should do, as other websites do, is offer a quote without requiring an account. First impressions are everything, and getting a quote could be a great start to a relationship or it could be a bit of a hassle.


website content writing services

Zerys offers decent content from professional writers, but they also can give you access to some nice content marketing software. You're in charge of choosing the writers, the budget, and approving and distributing the content.

With your project, you get free tools that help you strategize and plan your content. Then the pro editors at Zerys look over what their writers have done.

Now, I should mention, some clients have reported having terrible experiences with Zerys. This includes slow delivery of projects or even no delivery at all. Obviously, this is bad. A content creation company needs to be able to meet a deadline.

But, giving them the benefit of the doubt, this may be a fluke or an outlier. They do have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, so at least some clients are happy with the results.


  • Free tools, like content strategy and planning
  • Editorial calendar and reminders


  • Some clients say it can take a while to find the right writer
  • Reports of slow or no delivery of projects

How much is content from Zerys?

You basically have two main options when you go to Zerys' website: Content Success Platform (DIY) and White Glove (Full Service).

With the Content Success Platform, you do everything except for the writing. You manage, edit, and publish the work. And you only pay if you're 100% happy with the end result, which would end up being $0.01 to $0.50 per word.

With the White Glove option, Zerys does everything for you. They help you find the right professional content writer, they manage the research, title creation, planning, editing, publishing, and promoting. For this, you end up paying $95 per month.

Right on their homepage, they have their two main options (Content Success Platform and White Glove). Below each, there's a button that allows you to create an account.

You'll need to select whether you're a business or a marketing agency, along with some other basic info that any content company requires, like email address, phone number, name, etc.


web content writing services

CopyPress started in 2009, touting themselves as a community of content writers, designers, and developers who 'have created micro-businesses centered around their passion.'

Basically, there are three categories of services:

  • content
  • infographics
  • and visibility (native ads, publisher connections, and social media promotion)

You as the client can choose one of these categories and also outline exactly what you need for your business. Then CopyPress puts together a customized quote based on your work request.


  • Certified CopyPress editor proof every blog post, landing page content, infographic, etc. before submitting it to you
  • CopyPress writers choose only work they're interested in, which means you'll end up getting better quality content


  • You're responsible for publishing and formatting the content to your blog

What is the price of content on CopyPress?

It depends on whether you need written content, infographics, or visibility.

For written content, you could pay as little as $5 for 100 words (or more if it requires deeper research). For an infographic, you may end up paying anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars.

CopyPress say they charge what most agencies charge, about $2,000. Obviously, this will vary depending on the infographic (size, complexity, the source, etc). As for visibility, it can vary so much that they request you contact them for a quote.


writing companies

If you have a large web content project, TextBroker says they are the place to come.

They have thousands of freelance writers and charge as little as $0.013 per word, as long as the writer(s) meets your qualifications. And you have two options: Self-Service or Managed-Service.

With Self-Service, no one at TextBroker edits or manages these writers. That's up to you. This means you're in charge of quality control, communication with the writer, and then editing and proofreading their submission. This may not be appealing to you, but it does mean you have complete control over each project.

With the Managed-Service option, they outsource the whole project, meaning they find the writers, manage those writers, and edit the work. This is the pricier option, but you seem to get what you pay for.

Although they are one of the more pricey content mills across the board, you (hopefully) will get decent content for it. If you wanted to become a content writer, Textbroker is a good place to start, along with these other sites like Textbroker.


  • Good customer support that can help resolve issues between you and a writer
  • One-stop-shop offerings


  • They don't have project managers or editors

How much does TextBroker cost?

If you want TextBroker to handle your entire project from start to finish (Managed-Service), you can pay $2,500 on the low end. But if you choose Self-Service, where you choose the quality level, budget, and writer, you can pay as little as $0.013 per word.

Under the "I Need Content" heading, choose between the two types (Self-Service or Managed-Service). With Self-Service, you sign up for free and can get started. But with the Managed-Service option, you submit your info for a custom quote based on your project.


iwriter content writing service review

iWriter offers to write articles, blog posts, press releases, eBooks, and even Amazon Reviews. Basically, any kind of writing you need for your business, they can deliver. But is the content quality any good?

Thanks to the large pool of writers working at iWriter, they are one of the fastest content writing services out there, even if it's a huge project.

However, the flip side of that: the more writers to manage, the more difficult quality control is. This means the actual content may end up being below average or have inconsistent quality from one web content writer to the next or from article to article.


  • Delivers content very fast
  • A very affordable price per article


  • In the past, there have been reports of plagiarism or spinning

How much is content from Writer?

The best writers on iWriter are going to be cheaper than the best writers with other content creation companies. For the Elite Plus plan, which you'd assume gives you the best writers, you can get a 2,000-word article for $145.

To get started with iWriter, it's pretty simple — just click the "Order Content" menu option. You have to create an account first, which, as we mentioned before, is a bit of a hassle. But because they're known as one of the fastest deliveries in the business, signing up for an account may not sound too bad to you.

Writer Access

professional article writing service

A respected author and content marketing guru named Byron White started Writer Access, which is good news for you. Every part of the company formed through his lens.

They are all about growing things organically instead of just dumping money into projects. So they focus on engaging web copy, SEO scores, and working with the best writers. They score all the writers they work with on a scale from 2 to 6 stars and pay them $0.02 to $2 per word respectively.


  • Perks for those with bigger budgets
  • High-quality content


  • May not work for smaller businesses with smaller budgets

How much is Writer Access?

There are plenty of pricing options available. You can choose your package or plan, ranging from $0.02 to $0.20 per word, $35 per hour for an experienced content strategist, or monthly plans from $39 to $99 per month.

Like many of these other content creation companies, you must create an account to get started with Writer Access. They do offer a 30-day risk-free trial account. If you have any questions, they have a chatbot in the bottom-right corner of every page.

How Content Writing Services Can Help Your Business

If you work with a good content writing service company, you can actually improve your website SEO.

The agencies we've listed in this article train their writers how to create content that will rank and perform well online. They are specialists at what they do. Vin from Word Agents shared a guest post recently about how to scale and outsource a writing team, which you might also be interested in.

Here are a few ways hiring a content writing service can drastically help your online business grow.

Content Writing Services Are Experts

These companies are specialists in the area of creating captivating content that ranks really high with search engines. This is what they do, day in and day out.

In fact, it's the only thing they do. They eat, sleep, breathe, and die writing content. Each freelance writer should be an expert either on the given topic or in internet research.

And you get this unique content on a non-stop basis. They have a huge roster of writers, including professionals, side hustlers, and students, whom they can cycle through, so there's no chance of burnout.

Of course, you can create your own good, original content for your business, but it takes time – time that you may not have.

Instead, if you hire a good content creation company, their writers will take the time needed to research, outline, write and source their work so you don't have to.

Grow Your Readership

Because your content will be well-researched, engaging, and keyword-driven, people may start flocking to your site.

Professional writers know, first, what search engines like to see, so they'll tailor the content to perform well with Google and Bing. Second, they know what it takes to hook a reader and then reel them in. And an excellent writer will be so good that readers will share and cite the content on your blog.

All of this leads to more traffic, which often equals higher earnings, whether your income is from ad revenue, affiliate marketing, or some sort of product or service.

New People Bring A Fresh Perspective

You might be too close to your business. It's true. But somebody has to be – somebody has to be dedicated to its success. That's you.

So when you hire an SEO content writer, they approach your business with a completely objective angle. Outsourcing your writing can allow people besides yourself to write about either your business or topics in your industry with a fresh perspective. Heck, maybe you have a product that has a benefit you didn't realize was there.

You may just learn something when you hire a content writing service.

These Writers Are Not Your Employees

The writers who work for content creation companies are not your employees. They work for the writing company.

This means you don't have to manage them or handle quality control. You don't need to pay them benefits or anything like that. And if one content writing company doesn't work for you, you can easily move onto the next one without any trouble.

You Can Save Money

When you hire a writing company, you're just paying for the writing service. You pay per article and/or per word, not hourly.

So you know how much you'll be spending on each blog post, landing page, or email blast. This means you can set your budget and easily stay within it.

The Best Content Writing Service

business content writer

Because you probably have a niche-focused business, website, or side hustle, the best option for you may be one of these 5 content services:

  • Content Pit
  • Word Agents
  • Content Refined
  • Brand Builders
  • Seo Butler
  • Niche Website Builders

They seem to be the best of these companies at delivering content that's specific to a business, industry, or target audience.

Content Pit is the cheapest content service of these 6, but they use non-native English speakers which is sometimes obvious. However, if you don't mind doing a quick edit of your articles to make it sound more natural, they are a good option.

Word Agents is great to try out, especially for that 30% discount off the first order up to 10K words. They will return your content in a Google Doc and you'll need to do the rest.

Brand Builders and NWB are good if you want the complete service from keyword research to publishing. It all depends on what you're looking for, your budget, and the time you have to work on your site.

Honorable Mentions

There are a few other companies on this list that are worth mentioning for the purpose of this guide: Constant Content, TextBroker, and iWriter.

TextBroker gets an honorable mention because it really offers the best quality content for the cost range.

Because it's relatively cheap (affordable), you'd think the content would also be cheap (bad quality). But it can actually provide decent bang-for-your-buck content, as they say – it depends on the writer.

And we shouldn't forget about iWriter. Although the quality isn't the best around, they are super fast.

If you have a big, important project that you need to be high quality, I wouldn't suggest iWriter. But if you're in a pinch and need some articles fast, iWriter is a great option. And again, if you're reviewing the content, you can ensure it's good before you publish it.

The Content Writing Agency For You

When first trying out a new content service it's always good to order a few test articles.

If you like the process and the content you receive back, then you're able to start ordering larger quantities. If quality slips over time make sure you contact the support for that company and let them know. If problems persist, thankfully there are many other options out there.

And, if you aren't ordering content that includes optimization with tools like Surfer SEO or MarketMuse, check out our round-up of the best content optimization tools. If you're not already using one, now might be the time to start!

Best Creative Writing Companies


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